New features ⭐️
- Plex is now available on Soundiiz. Export/Import your playlists !
- New iTunes interface to export playlists to other services
- Adding account information when selecting a service in left panel
- Allowing to change monthly to yearly billing Soundiiz Premium
- You can now download to PDF your Soundiiz Premium invoices
Complete changelog 👇
- Saavn has been renamed to JioSaavn (see the news)
- Add tracks to favorites KKBox
- Improving KKBox matching
- New tutorials to export playlists and favorites as file
- Bug fix when trying to update user email/username
- New payment interface with STRIPE
- Batch interface reworked to use new table component
- New language: Italian (thanks to our Crowdin contributors !)
- Limit of GPM library tracks retrieved has been up to 50k
- Many fix and API improvements for all music services supported