New features
- Playlists synchronization is now live ! 👌 Keep synchronized your playlists between all available streaming services (Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, YouTube & others …). Right click on a playlist > “Sync with” to create your first synchronization. See full tutorial
- Favorites albums, artists, tracks are now exportable as file
- Favorites albums, artists, tracks are now importable from file
Some optimizations
- Import from file reworked, now more easy to use
- New illustrations for export method (export tool)
- Added some translations. App is now translated as 90% in Portuguese
- The “Add” sync method avoid duplicates now
- Improve the synchronizations in back end process
- Improve compatibility with supported services
One more things
You can now help us to translate Soundiiz in your native language ! To apply visit our translation site 😄