Nicolas Rogès

September 14, 2023

This article may contain affiliate links.

Subscribe to Qobuz and import your data

Qobuz is a relatively confidential service compared to Spotify, Apple Music, TIDAL, and YouTube Music. But it’s a platform with nothing to envy to the names mentioned above, and above all, acclaimed for its audio quality. That’s why you’ll want to subscribe to Qobuz and import your data. 

It’s simple: audiophiles generally turn to Qobuz or TIDAL to choose their streaming service. We’ve already published a blog article comparing these two streaming services so that you can see the pros and cons!

One of the best audio quality on the market

Qobuz, a French company launched in 2007, is available in eighteen countries and has based everything on the quality of the listening experience. It is one of the main reasons you should try Qobuz. 

Credit: Qobuz website

Qobuz offers a FLAC listening format, and after consulting several audio professionals’ websites, Qobuz seems to be the service favored by “sound” lovers. Please note, however, that not all tracks Qobuz offers are available in Hi-Res. Even so, there are some 400,000 of them, so you should have plenty to be satisfied with. 

Great editorial content

Qobuz differentiates itself from its competitors by basing itself on a logic of proximity to its users. In an increasingly digitalized world, where attention spans are declining and the written word is being replaced by video content, Qobuz is taking an interesting stance. 

The platform offers editorial content with written notes on some albums: they extend the listening experience with a bit of reading, which we appreciate at Soundiiz.

Credit: Qobuz website

Qobuz also offers, via the “Staff Picks” the equivalent of recommendations from a record store. They are not necessarily adapted to your listening history but are selected by the Qobuz staff. Once again, the notion of proximity is essential. 

The only thing that might make you hesitate is that Qobuz doesn’t offer podcasts or radio like its competitors. With them, it’s all about the music and nothing else. But after all, isn’t that the most important thing?

Price and subscription

Regarding subscription offers, Qobuz offers a slightly higher entry point than some of its competitors. With a price of 10.83$ per month for the Studio version, 14.99$ per month for the Duo version, and 17.99$ per month for the Family subscription. There are also “Sublime” plans, starting at 15$ per month: they will give you discounts on Hi-Res purchases.

You can find details of these offers directly on the Qobuz website

Credit: Qobuz website

After analyzing all this, we at Soundiiz figured many of you would want to try Qobuz. The good news is that Qobuz has set up a one-month trial offer to test its services.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll undoubtedly want to import all your previously accumulated data into Qobuz. Soundiiz lets you do just that!

We explain it all right here.

Subscribe to Qobuz on iOS

  1. Open your App store device and look for Qobuz
  2. Hit the install button
  3. Open the App and hit the “Create an account” button
  4. Choose a pseudonym, enter your email address and choose a password, then enter your date of birth and select “Create an account”
  5. Qobuz then asks you to select your favorite music genres
  6. Once you are on your account page, you can select the “Free Trial” orange button on the bottom of your screen and then follow the instructions depending on which streaming plan you choose! 

Subscribe to Qobuz on Android to import your data

  1. Open your Play Store app on your Android device and look for Qobuz
  2. Hit the Install button
  3. Open the App and hit the “Create an account” button
  4. Choose a pseudonym, enter your email address and choose a password, then enter your date of birth and select “Create an account”
  5. Qobuz then asks you to select your favorite music genres
  6. Once you are on your account page, you can select the “Free Trial” orange button on the bottom of your screen and then follow the instructions depending on which streaming plan you choose! 

Sub to Qobuz on your desktop to import your data

Want to subscribe to Qobuz on your desktop and then import your data? Nothing can be easier:

  1. Go on
  2. Click on “Streaming plans” in the top right corner
  3. Choose one of the Studio or Sublime, click on “Try It Free” (for the Studio plans) or “Subscribe” (for the Sublime plans)
  4. You’ll now have to create your account, click “Register”, enter your banking information, and you’ll be good to go! 

Note that a Qobuz app can also be downloaded on your PC or Mac or used as a web player.

Why should you use Soundiiz while subscribing to Qobuz?

You should use Soundiiz simply because our service makes everything so much simpler. We optimize your daily use of Qobuz or any other streaming platform, allowing you, for example, to retrieve ALL the data you’ve accumulated on your previous streaming platforms. How do we do it? 

We’ve set up a “Transfer” function; you can find all the explanations in this article.

With this function, using our procedure, you can retrieve all the data you’ve accumulated on Spotify, Apple Music, or elsewhere directly into the Qobuz account you’ve just created. And that’s not all. 

Once your data is on your Soundiiz account, you can manage it as you wish. Edit them, update them, change their names, etc. You can do it all! 

We’re going to let you in on a secret: some people subscribe to a new platform for free, taking advantage of trial offers, then use Soundiiz to retrieve all the playlists and data they want on this platform – and which weren’t accessible on the platforms they use every day – and then cancel their subscription—all thanks to Soundiiz. In short, Soundiiz acts as the ideal companion to streaming platforms

Another of our users’ favorite features is the ability to back up all your data, from Qobuz, for example, in CSV format. In this way, everything you accumulate on your Qobuz account can be downloaded and stored wherever you like and shared with friends and family.

Subscribe to Qobuz and use Soundiiz to get the most out of this platform! We promise you won’t regret it. 

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