Sync Claro Música with JOOX

Replace Claro Música playlist tracks automatically on a JOOX playlist

Excellent 4.5/5
The best solution to manage your online music collection!
  • 43 music services supported
  • Transfer your playlists and favorites
  • No need to install any application

How to keep a playlist in sync from Claro Música to JOOX?

The steps below can help you create a synchronization between a Claro Música playlist and a JOOX playlist. After your synchronization is created daily/weekly/monthly, your Claro Música playlist tracks will be automatically merged to your JOOX playlist.

Free (1 Sync) Premium Playlists Synchronize
  1. Select the Synchronize tool on Soundiiz
  2. Choose your source playlist on Claro Música and the corresponding playlist on JOOX
  3. Configure your synchronization frequency and options
  4. Confirm your selection and you are done!
Take a look at our explanation page to know more about Sync, update playlists automatically across different streaming services.

How to keep a recent Claro Música to JOOX transfer in sync?

You have recently converted a Claro Música playlist to JOOX and now you want to keep the two playlists in sync? The steps below can help you:

Free (1 Sync) Premium Playlists Synchronize
  1. On Soundiiz; go to the "Recent transfers" interface
  2. Find the Claro Música to JOOX transfer you made and select "Keep Sync"
  3. Configure your synchronization frequency and options
  4. Confirm your selection and you are done!

What is Claro Música?

Claro Música is a music streaming platform available in South America. It is available for Android and iOS devices.

What is JOOX?

JOOX is a freemium service providing most of its songs for free while some songs are only available for premium users, offered via paid subscriptions or by doing the different tasks offered.

What is Soundiiz?

Soundiiz is the most complete online tool to manage your music library between multiple services. It offers a simple way to import and export playlists and favorites tracks, artists, and albums.